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Sweet Blend from Central America and Africa. Great for Sweet Espresso.


Savor the delicate charm of Artisan Brews Collective's Sweet Blonde, a refined blend spotlighting the luscious harmony of Central American and African beans. Crafted for those with a penchant for sweetness, this blend is the quintessential choice for a silky smooth espresso that sings with natural sugary notes.


Our Sweet Blonde marries the gentle, honeyed flavors of Central America's esteemed coffee regions with the bright, fruity accents from the sun-kissed African highlands. The result is a cup with a light body and a vibrant, sweet profile, making it an exceptional foundation for a sweet espresso that's both indulgent and invigorating.


With its radiant golden crema and a taste that's as buoyant as a carefree laugh, the Sweet Blonde is a coffee that delights and uplifts. It's a cheerful celebration in a cup, perfect for espresso lovers who revel in a sweet, creamy shot that can stand alone or blend seamlessly into lattes and cappuccinos. Enjoy the Sweet Blonde as the dawn of your day, and let its joyful essence carry you through every sip.


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